• Archive for the ‘Sprituality’ Category

    As one passes the midpoint in life’s journey, when there is more travel behind than ahead, we may find that life appears not so much a road but a river, a stream that carries the traveler inexorably forward, its current too swift to make headway upstream. Like the highway but even more so, the river endlessly branches; it is a work of nature - not purpose built. Some of the branches lead to places no one would ever want be.

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    We often say we have forgiven someone when we come to understand that we might have acted in a similar fashion in their place. We may feel magnanimous and proud of our generosity but often we continue to feel anger about the injury that was done to us. This is understanding not forgiveness, or maybe it can be called forgiveness of the mind. True forgiveness is the gift of a humble heart, one that can only be bestowed by one who has experienced forgiveness of one’s own trespasses, not by another person, but by the gods themselves.

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    The underlying psychological mechanisms which we know as the gods (or when we abstract what is common to all, as God), dwell in the Sentient not the Sapient mind; a part of us that lies outside the boundaries of what we experience as the Ego. This is the mystery, proclaimed by spiritual teachers, explained: God is outside of the self but is none-the-less to be found within. But when our knowledge, a product of the Ego, is super-imposed upon our direct perceptions, we see things only as we understand them to be, what we believe we see, and the deeper regions of the Sentient Mind, the very well springs of “deep meaning,” of “soulfulness” are cut off from the light of day. The wisdom of the mind supersedes the wisdom of the heart. The Ego has set itself against the gods. This is Hubris.

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    Can a person find the pure, rich, emotional experience, the spirituality, that was the birthright of our pre-civilization ancestors, while retaining the intellectual and artistic riches, the material comforts, and safety that we have attained as a result of civilization?

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    How the gods of ancient Greece (or any other gods when understood as metaphors) can become a guide to a person's inner emotional life.

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    Spirtual experince is a fundamental component of human psychology essential to emotional health regardless of a person's belief system.

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    The personal Odyssey that lead me to a more spiritual life.

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    Thoughts about winter solstice 2010 when for the second time since 1638 winter solstice, the full moon and a lunar eclipse coincided. Superstition may be emotionally satisfying but it is bad science and leads to serious error in the practical world. But might we be getter off if we jettisoned the superstition but cultivated the awe and wonder?

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